Phone: +44 (0) 795 656 4715
Phone: +44 (0) 777 066 6088
Email: trevor@animalswork.co.uk
Email: animalswork1@yahoo.co.uk
We guarantee all our shots, not many can offer this!
If you don't get your shot, you don't pay the bill, and in over 40 years of trading we have had a lot of happy clients.
Fully licensed (Animal Performers License) and insured to work with all species of animals on the planet, offering a full back-up service - telemetry tracking systems, blue screen format, radio communications between our handlers, props, GPS locators, specialist handling equipment, etc.
You can even see the animal performing the action for the shot before we go into the studio as we can offer a stills (same day via the Internet) and video pre-filming service.
To make your life easier we also offer a full consultation service where we can take you through the use of a particular species prior to the all important day of the shoot and if we feel the shot is going to cause problems we can suggest alternatives to get the desired effects.
Many comments from clients can be made available on request.
A member of the Animal Welfare Filming Federation (AWFF) and the National Association of Private Animal Keepers.
We also recommend the services of a vet on set for some species and none come with a better understanding of filming requirements than Adrian O’Meara BVSc MRCVS
click on his logo to find out more details